2020-09-14hotnews 编辑:小薇
CYBERCHAIN - 世界上第一个以社区为设计矩阵。
ECLIPCITY 背后的团队花时间分析市场,旨在创建最终矩阵智能合约,为任何人提供真正的游戏规则改变和生活改变者,我们很高兴将 CYBERCHAIN 作为 ECLIPCITY 生态系统的附加产品
网络链是一个独特的 3x2 矩阵,这意味着您有 3 个位置前线,和 9 个位置第二线,总共 12 个级别。
CYBERCHAIN - the worlds first matrix designed with the community in mind.
The team behind ECLIPCITY have spent time to analyse the market with the aim of creating the ultimate matrix smart contract that’ll be a true game changer and life changer for anyone and we are pleased to present CYBERCHAIN as an addtions to the ECLIPCITY ecosystem
Cyberchain is a unique 3x2 matrix meaning you have 3 positions front line, and 9 positions second line with a total of 12 levels in total.
要加入 CYBERCHAIN,您捐赠 100 TRX(在钱包中至少保留至少 10 TRX)到矩阵中的第一个级别,这将解锁您的第一个级别,您现在可以收到该特定矩阵级别的 50% 的入场费的捐赠。
当某人填写时,您将收到来自矩阵中 12 个位置中每个位置的捐赠,如果捐赠到他们面前的更高级别,则可能是您自己的个人直接、赞助商的溢出、从底部溢出,甚至超过通过其赞助商的超车者。
(插入矩阵设计的 grapich)
To join CYBERCHAIN you make a donation of 100 TRX (keep at least an extra 10 TRX in wallet) to the first level in the matrix, this will unlock you first level and you can now receive donations of 50% of the entry cost to that specific matrix level.
You will receive a donation from each of the 12 postition in your matrix when filled by someone, thit can be your own personal directs, spillover from sponsor, overflow from bottom, or even overtakers that pass their sponsor if they donate to a higher level before them.
(insert grapich of the matrix design)
使用 Cyberchain L12 矩阵,任何人和每个人都有机会收到无限的捐赠,如果有人创建溢出给你,你得到捐赠,他们得到捐赠,如果你赞助某人你得到捐赠,你的赞助商得到捐赠,如果你直接带来某人,他们得到捐赠,你得到捐赠,如果你带来溢出到你的直接, 他们得到捐赠, 你得到捐赠。
CYBERCHAIN 独特的算法是在社区设计时设计的,我们开发了终极矩阵,每个人都支持每个人。